Puffin Evolved: Meet the Waxwing
September 1st, 2023 - Shannon Parks
"What has been going on at Parks Audio this year?"
- The Puffin production era wrapped up this past February.
- We've been working on a second-generation Puffin, with the main shift towards Bluetooth LE remote control via an app.
- It has taken two years of development, with the last six months being a full-time push to the finish line.
- The product evolution is drastic enough that a new name was warranted: the Waxwing.
- The Waxwing shares a lot of the same hardware and firmware from Puffin, so we're sticking with a proven design - just making it easier to use.
"What's new in the Waxwing and different from the Puffin?"
- Chassis and footprint have been modified for a more traditional look with rear connections.
- No more digital output upgrades: coax and optical outputs are now standard (still require adjustment via menu).
- 100% Bluetooth control with the Waxwing: No buttons, switches, or knobs.
- The app allows easy remote control for the Waxwing, permitting adjustments while seated in the listening chair.
- Gain calculator helps you choose an appropriate gain setting for your cartridge.
- The app quickly shows which settings are adjusted at a glance.
- File system allows easy saving of configurations.
- You'll be able to easily archive, view, modify, and share these files with others.
- Simple black and red color system indicates when a setting isn't set to its default (color-blind friendly).
- Grade is much easier to use; it logs grading over time and allows for unattended use.
- Custom RIAA adjustments are now much easier to change and save.
- The log function is now not just for cartridge hour logging, but also focuses on music heard in the current session (get your hour of vinyl in!).
- Language support is available with user assistance (changeable with a globe icon). Contact us with your language request.
- Switching to a common 5V USB power supply allows ease of replacement worldwide, the use of USB batteries, and avoids connecting to the wrong supply with a barrel connector.
- Please download the demo app and check it out (NOW LIVE! Use this link as it's not in the search results yet.): Demo Waxwing App -----> https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=www.parksaudiollc.com.waxwing_release_00
- A new function called PEQ (a single Parametric EQ) acts as a "do anything" feature.
- PEQ visual help: Biquad Calculator
- Type: Peak
- Plot: Log10
- Max: 10dB
- Range: 40dB
- Sample rate: 96000
- Fc (Hz): 10000 (or your choice)
- Q: 2 (or your choice)
- Gain: 4 (or your choice)
"Enough already, take my money! How can I get a Waxwing?"
- The initial twenty Waxwings will be for U.S. sales only and Android only: $499 plus $13.95 shipping.
- We are looking for Pioneers - early adopters who are ready (and will be happy) to help address bugs, provide feedback where needed, etc.
- The first twenty units will be available for purchase directly from the Parks Audio website on September 29th (no preorders - just easier and fairer this way).
- We plan to expand to international customers and support iOS and Amazon Fire after the initial round or two.
- The iOS app is at the exact same level of code production as the Android, so it will be available come round 2 or 3 (i.e. before Christmas). Just anticipate several initial revisions, so it makes sense to have just one release right now.
- We aim to meet and process all current demand by December 14th, so folks can get one for Christmas.
- There will be a ramp-up process over six months to iron out issues and bugs.
- At the end of six months, we will switch all fulfillment over to Amazon U.S. and end direct sales.
"Only twenty units? I thought you were streamlining production?"
- Just starting slow to smooth any rough edges as we ramp up. But the new hardware design scales nicely and is much easier for us to build - no worries.
- This will ultimately allow us to meet all demand and still have time left for research and improvements.
"Will this be another IoT device that stops working one day when Parks Audio goes out of business or decides to stop support?"
- The Waxwing Bluetooth API will be documented and shared with the community.
- Customers can use third-party Bluetooth apps with macros or write their own custom software.
- Third parties may use the Bluetooth API to write, distribute, and even sell their own apps (respectful of the Waxwing trademark).
- The Waxwing File Settings API will also be documented and shared.
- This API openness ensures a long lifespan for the Waxwing, making it not dependent on Parks Audio.
- While Waxwing settings must be changed via a Bluetooth connection, it is still a standalone audio device. So an app isn't required for operation and no annoying tethering is required.(e.g. like with a Bluetooth speaker or "radio")
- No internet connection is needed (other than to initially download an app), and there's no need for subscriptions to services or upgrades.
"I'm quite keen on recording LPs to my computer. Can the Waxwing do that?"
- The Waxwing's USB power port is for 5VDC power only and doesn't support USB Audio.
- You'll want to use a USB-to-optical interface device - like the Hifime UR 23 - which handles OS driver support and also DC isolates the Waxwing from a noisy computer (i.e. its leakage currents).
- How to record using the Waxwing and UR23: LINK
"Can the Waxwing natively stream Bluetooth Audio?"
- No, the Waxwing's Blutooth LE is a low datarate remote control only. Instead, connect the Waxwing's optical output to an input on your streaming device.
"Where did the name Waxwing come from?"
- This continues our tradition of bird names: the Budgie, the Puffin, and now the Waxwing.
- Of course, there is the slang term "wax" for records, plus "wing," so the Waxwing is designed to make your records soar.
- Finally, there's a nod to the story of Icarus and his wax wings - sometimes we will fly too close to the sun.
"I'm sure the Waxwing is wonderful, but I really wanted a Puffin?"
- Parks Audio may no longer manufacture Puffins, but some Puffin owners may sell their Puffin and get a Waxwing. Buy theirs!
- Customers with Puffins and Budgies will continue to be serviced 100% from Parks Audio.