February 18th, 2025

Late Winter News

Been quite busy building Waxwings this winter, but for relaxation and fun I like to get up at 5am and do Waxwing R&D before going to the workshop. Some folks like to chill with video games or crossword puzzles, and I like to work on audio algorithms in Python. Feel almost guilty when I do it! So far, I've made a lot of progress with Super Mono (SM) improvements. Will be quite good. Beyond the "behind the curtain improvements" on SM, I also have a couple brainstorms.

One trick might be a SM version that would not have any summing at all, to prevent high frequency blurring that might occur with some records. I hope some anti-monosum folks might be intrigued by this.

Another brainstorm is one for promotion of audio AI research. It would output clean Super Mono audio on one channel (the cleanest vinyl grooves) and an Unsuper Mono on the other (all the reject grooves). This would permit a single audio researcher to easily collect gigabytes of formatted data for test and evaluation in the creation of vinyl correction models to be used in future devices and chips. Even a hobbyist using PyTorch or TensorFlow could create quite useful open-source models. Note that these models would work great for stereo LPs, too. It's just that SM makes the initial data for the modeling possible.

December 28th, 2024

Want To Customize Your Waxwing?

1. Go to Reminderband to purchase two Contour-style silicone bands: https://www.reminderband.com/builder/layout/25/#/content
2. Choose your color. I have the colors stacked from left-to-right in the pic below to match the color selection dropdown box.
3. For Phrase 1, enter a single space with your spacebar. Then press Continue twice.
4. Choose size Large and Quantity 2. Should cost $9.90 (as of Dec 2024). Before you click on "Add to Cart", type "Blank bands only please" in the Notes to Customer Service box at the bottom of the screen.
5. You can then checkout using your Amazon Pay from your Amazon account (no need to type everything in).
6. Slow production and shipping cost is $6.70 for me, or $16.60 total shipped (Dec 2024).
7. Extra bands can be ordered with discounted combined shipping. Great to try a couple colors.

This is a 3rd party DIY mod - I'm not involved in the process or get any kickbacks. Just thought it would be fun to share these details. Personally, I think Aqua might be my favorite, but like Henry Ford, I'm sticking with Black as the Waxwing default color.

Click to enlarge

December 11th, 2024

Gain & Super Mono Alerts Explained

In Super Mono mode, the red warning alert is primarily to prevent folks from playing Stereo LPs. Sometimes folks forget to switch back to Stereo mode and this is meant as a visual cue. In the same way, it lets folks know if an assumed Mono LP is actually Stereo (and also useful for compilation records). Then another use is that it flashes on true Mono LPs with damage (side grooves are different due to damage). This is quite normal and useful in understanding the condition of a particular Mono LP. Lastly, this alert just stays on for the section of music that triggers it, and it doesn't require an alert reset (like a Gain clip behaves).

Meanwhile Gain clips will trigger an alert that does need to be reset. This is because you need to be alerted the next time you look at your app that the gain should be lowered 1dB. I have it stay black at under 10 clips as that could just be from a scratch or needle drop (no big deal), but I have it turn red at ten or more clips.

November 28th, 2024

Log Implementation Confuses New Users

What's the biggest "bug" currently in the Waxwing? It's actually a feature! If using Log, you'll see that the time gets reset to zero every time you start the app. That is the *current* session's listening time. Click on it to see the cumulative time (in a popup). So you get two goodies in one function: how much vinyl listened to today as well as how many hours total. Also broadens the functionality beyond just stylus loggers.

November 15th, 2024

Amazon Tips

Dropping a Santa's bag full of Waxwings off at UPS this morning. Cindy-Lou Who will get to spin vinyl this Christmas, and I will enjoy my eggnog without guilt.

No Black Friday sales are planned but I do have some refurbs available on Amazon at $439 for those looking to save some cash. Also, note that the Amazon return window is extended for the holidays until 1/31/25. So, it's a perfect time for an extended demo if you are on the fence.

From Amazon:
"Similar to previous years, our standard returns window will be temporarily extended in anticipation of customers shopping early for the holidays. Our 2024 Extended Holiday Returns policy requires that items bought between November 1, 2024, and December 31, 2024, can be returned until January 31, 2025, except for Apple brand products, which can be returned until January 15, 2025."

November 3rd, 2024

The Christmas Rush

I'm in Santa's workshop 7 days a week right now building Waxwings, but I'm also getting up early to do R&D work. Currently working on a very nice Super Mono upgrade and re-writing all the Magic code in ARM assembly for absolute processor speed (this permits cycles to do more 'stuff'). Also had a crazy idea yesterday while using the app's DJ random album selector: what if you could import and export an album collection spreadsheet (CSV) and use that for randomly choosing an album? Columns: Artist, Album, Year, Stereo/Mono, Times Played, Last Played, Default File (could choose one of the 21 file settings for EQing it), etc.

How many of you folks already have your albums cataloged?

October 16th, 2024

Online Article About DSP

Great article on DSP by Mike Harkins and PMA Magazine. Has a nice Q&A with me, too:

October 12th, 2024

From The Inbox

High (fidelity) praise from the land of Scotch whisky:

"I just want to congratulate you on the Waxwing, which flew to me in Scotland at the weekend. It is an extraordinary achievement and a paradigm shift in the way I listen to vinyl.

I've always loved vinyl, but hated the surface noise which came with it, and no amount of table set up and cleaning with my Pro-ject record cleaner could get rid of completely.

I set up the Waxwing yesterday and planned to have a quick listen for 30 mins or so. Six hours later I was still there, spinning 50 year old discs I hadn't listened to in years, and playing with the Waxwings other functions. I have a Terminator Plus Dac and optical in from the Waxwing was astonishing, fed by my Clearaudio Performance SE table and Hana MC cart. I can detect absolutely no loss of quality with Magic on, and using the Waxwings digital out sacrifices none of those qualities which make vinyl so special.

I haven't had this much fun with a hifi product since I got my first audiophile streamer years ago.

Thanks for bringing this device to market and I hope you sell a gazillion of them, because you deserve to."

September 12th, 2024

Waxwing Language Packs

After recent interaction with some folks updating their Waxwing app with the Custom language pack feature, I'm interested in going ahead with language packs for the next app release. I'm probably going to use DeepL to translate the English JSON file to several others, starting with French, Spanish, German, Italian, and Korean. These initial language packs will be messy, but I plan to have the JSON files on Google Docs available for public comments. Over time, we'll get them cleaned up and accurate. And if anyone has already done what they feel is an accurate language pack, please contact me via email and send me the JSON.

More info about the custom language feature here:

September 1st, 2024

O Canada! Ô Canada!

Northern friends, Waxwing is now available from Amazon Canada:
Amis du Nord, Waxwing est maintenant disponible sur Amazon Canada:

August 30th, 2024

Sharing File Configurations

Q: Is there a option to copy-n-paste my settings from iPhone to my iPad?

A: You bet! Click on the Filename (bold text on the right-hand side), and then select "Copy This File Backup". Open the Notes app, create a new Note, paste, and select Done. Then from your iPad, open the Note, Select All, and Copy. Then open the Waxwing app in your iPad, and in the leftmost File slot (MM 38dB) you'll see a phone icon with an 'i'. Press that and paste the settings there, then select "Load File Backup". The settings will be imported into the first free file slot. You can share files with others - eg post in a forum or send via email - using this simple text copy-n-paste.

On Android, I use the same procedure but use Gmail instead of Notes (memo emails, aka emails to self).

Here is an example of the default MM 38dB file in its text format:

[32,42,6,6,6,6,0,26,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,15,0,0,1,16,0,0,0,0,0,40,8,5,14,56,44,4,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,"MM 38dB",0,0,0]

I'll document the format in a spreadsheet soon.

BTW, you can also "Copy All Files Backup" and do the same procedure. Instead of just one setting, you'll be copying all of 21 user file slots.

August 23rd, 2024

Turntables With Leakage Currents

When we use the optical connection with the Waxwing, we end up eliminating leakage currents from downstream components that can sometimes add noise to our (very small) cartridge signal. But occasionally a hum will appear that didn't exist with an analog or coax connection - what is happening? If you can touch the tonearm and the noise floor drops, you have this issue.

In this scenario, we have a ground reference somewhere on the turntable: the cartridge and tonearm aren't isolated. The solution is easy, as we can then add an earth ground to the Waxwing (in addition to the turntable ground). You can use a simple piece of wire from the Waxwing ground post to an available earth ground (e.g. an AC cover screw), or use a device like this that plugs directly into the safety ground: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08V5D9L7L

This method also can help lower leakage current noise in many phono preamp setups and is an ideal cheap troubleshooting tool to have around.

August 10th, 2024

Bluetooth API Released

Here's my initial Waxwing API documentation - will be expanded and improved as time goes on:

July 30th, 2024

App 1.0.11 Released, Bluetooth Firmware 1.07 Released

Have released a new Bluetooth firmware update (1.07) - for Android initially with iOS coming in the next week (iOS not really affected by this bug AFAIK). This targets a slow initial connection experienced on many Android devices - sometimes 30 seconds or longer "connecting". This bug was introduced in the May update with Bluetooth version 1.06. After updating the app, you'll need to go to Settings and then "Update to Bluetooth version 1.07".

Google Play

June 29th, 2024

New Test Feature In The Works

Resonance is a new test feature currently in prototype that I would like to roll out this fall for the Waxwing. Meant to measure the excited tonearm resonance without the need of a special test record.

June 16th, 2024

Go Optical If You Can

If you can use your Waxwing with an optical input on your preamp/amp/receiver/DAC, you'll be golden. It's a "poor man's balanced input" and will make life easy. We add so many crazy devices to our systems these days, and a high gain phono preamp is the most susceptible to system leakage currents.

June 9th, 2024

Ordering From the EU

Any Amazon purchasing tips from my EU Waxwing users? There seems to be a ton of Amazon purchases that stay pending forever and eventually (after weeks?) get cancelled. I've tried contacting Amazon and get zero information from them, and my EU customers are pretty confused, too. So, any tips or insight would be fantastic - you are my only hope at this point. Not sure if it is due to purchases via amazon.de, unapproved credit cards, etc. Thanks in advance for your tips!

Then for folks in countries that *don't* get Amazon US shipping, I've been recommending a parcel forwarding service (order goes to a US address and gets reshipped). I've had customers use these services over the last decade and they all seem to work fine. Currently forward2me is the big one, and the website seems easy to use and rates are straightforward. If you've used them and can recommend, let us know.

May 19th, 2024

App 1.0.10 Released, Bluetooth Firmware 1.06 Released

Waxwing Remote version 1.0.10 is now up at the App Store and Google Play. This fixes the most egregious bugs that can cause resets (i.e. dropped audio for 5 seconds or so). I did an unannounced, weeklong rollout starting on May 8th after experimenting with a Beta release. I do recommend updating if you don't have auto updates configured on your device of choice or if you are still on the Beta. After the update, you'll want to then go to Settings (in the app) and update the Bluetooth to 1.06.

- New Sort button behavior: a long press re-sorts menu without toggle to linear menu
- Bluetooth TX power slider added to Settings (once Bluetooth firmware is upgraded to 1.06)
- Fixes some connection/disconnection logic to prevent lost connection requiring restarting app
- Added Disconnect counter in Settings (shows number of disconnection events during app lifecycle)
- Fixed Android bug when app is in background state (screen off) as it could get into a "ghost connection" preventing connection and requiring app restart
- Bluetooth Firmware version 1.06 added for OTA upgrade:
--- Fixes outgoing message overflow crash and reset (5-7 seconds silence)
--- Bluetooth TX power increased 33% for more range
--- Downgradable to previous firmware (press and hold gray Update button for 10+ seconds until Waxwing reboots)
--- Fixes Timer assert issue causing occasional reset (5-7 seconds silence) during connection cycles

April 28th, 2024

App 1.0.10 Beta Released, Bluetooth Firmware 1.05 Beta Released (iOS)

New Waxwing Beta test for iOS available (Android Beta soon - in the next day or two). For iOS, you'll need to install Apple's TestFlight and then you can install Waxwing 1.0.10: TestFlight Open Beta Link

Fixes the most egregious bugs that can cause resets (i.e. dropped audio for 5 seconds or so). Been working on this since Christmas.

- New Sort button behavior: a long press re-sorts menu without toggle to linear menu
- Fixes some connection/disconnection logic to prevent lost connection requiring restarting app
- Added Disconnect counter in Settings (shows number of disconnection events during app lifecycle)
- Fixed Android bug when app is in background state (screen off) as it could get into a "ghost connection" preventing connection and requiring app restart
- Bluetooth Firmware version 1.05 added for OTA upgrade:
--- Fixes outgoing message overflow crash and reset (5-7 seconds silence)
--- Bluetooth TX power increased 33% for more range
--- Downgradable to previous firmware (press and hold gray Update button for 10+ seconds until Waxwing reboots)
--- Fixes Timer assert issue causing occasional reset (5-7 seconds silence) during connection cycles

March 6th, 2024

App 1.0.9 Released, Bluetooth Firmware 1.04 Released

New app version has been uploaded to the App Store & Google Play, so be sure to update. This is a roll back to before last week's update. That update has some iOS issues, so I'm going to retest and reaudit everything.

If an app restart & power cycle (turn it off and on again) of your Waxwing doesn't get Bluetooth connectivity rolling again, then a factory reset is probably needed. The trick is that it is only active for the first 5 seconds after a power on. Using a toothpick, you can feel around for the reset pushbutton (located about 1" or 25mm inside) and you can test press it anytime. Then power cycle and immediately press the reset switch a couple times (for good measure!). You'll know you are in the 5 second window because the optical red light comes on after 5 seconds.

March 5th, 2024

One Step Forward Two Steps Back

My update last week has added a new "feature" for (primarily iOS) Waxwing users. If you lose the ability to reconnect to your Waxwing, first try restarting the app, and if that doesn't do the job then do a hard power cycle on the Waxwing (by unplugging it or turning the power off & on with power strip it's connected to). Been working round the clock to address this - my apologies.

February 29th, 2024

App 1.0.7 Released, Bluetooth Firmware 1.03 Released

New app version has been uploaded to the App Store & Google Play, so be sure to update. It fixes several of the "Bluetooth bugs".

What's new in 1.0.7:
- Better Bluetooth reliability with connections. A new 3-second hysteresis upon disconnect prevents a "ghost connection" with Waxwing with subsequent reconnects.
- New Bluetooth Firmware V1.03: Fixes heap memory overflow crash with undelivered messages & state machine timer issue. Both could cause hardware crashes w/ reboot and ~6 seconds of silence

Thanks for everyone's patience while waiting for these fixes. Should be a real UX improvement, and I'm getting a better feel for Bluetooth in general.

February 8th, 2024

From The Inbox

Love this email from a Waxwing user this morning - makes the coffee taste even better:

"Hi Shannon, hope you're well. I'm emailing basically to say that the Waxwing is an amazing piece of kit. I've been loving it since I got it in. I'm not on social media so no way for me to share how amazing it is, but I've been telling my friends. Just a paying customer who's absolutely loving something you made and thought you should know. So here's to you, you magician. Best of luck with Parks Audio."

January 23rd, 2024

App 1.0.6 Released

New Waxwing app version 1.0.6 is available at the App Store & Google Play. It fixes a couple major "File Load" bugs and is a recommended update.

This is the first version to support different languages which allows Waxwing users to be a developer, enabling the creation of a new language JSON file. Read more here: https://parksaudiollc.com/language.html

What's new in 1.0.6:
- Fixes an intermittent/timing bug that locked up the Waxwing after a "File Load" which required a reboot
- Fixes an intermittent/timing bug that wouldn't send some new loaded settings immediately after a "File Load" to the Waxwing
- Comma delimiters now work in Gain calculator (mainly an EU fix)
- Custom language JSON import added (more of a developer tool than user feature)
- iOS 12 devices will work again (had an incompatibility with the previous app version), so you can use your older Apple gear

Still working and qualifying the bug fix for the "Bluetooth message memory overflow" issue. It is an occasional bug that crashes and reboots the Waxwing, which appears as around a 5 second muted music. Pardon for the delay on that.

January 11th, 2024

Waxwing Notes:

1) The original Pioneer Waxwings were too tight in the chassis, so I shortened the PCB assembly. This then caused some Waxwings to exhibit a rattle in the second batch (around #24 to #96). I was hyperfocused on shipping and didn't catch this new behavior - my apologies. I've since corrected this with a small piece of 1.5mm self-adhesive foam on the front chassis panel (removed by two screws). This prevents vertical and lateral movement. I can drop a piece of foam to you in the mail (international is A-OK, too) if you feel comfortable adding the foam - just let me know (parksaudio@outlook.com). Checkout a photo of the foam installation. I would mail three pcs (in case you need a spare) but only one is needed. Install to the right of the 'R'. Will be snug & tight, but that is perfect, and it will feel solid. Just be sure to keep the window oriented over the Bluetooth transmitter. The two chassis screws are 1/16" hex, but 1.5mm hex should work fine. Also, you don't need to do this update if you don't want to - won't hurt anything but gives piece of mind. Several customers were worried that something internal had broken in shipping.

2) I've received a lot of requests for a manual. I had hoped to make the manual "within-the-app", but there's still a lot of missing documentation. For those that haven't figured it out, you can tap on the function name and get a description in a popup. I'll go ahead and copy all that data over to a simple HTML manual page and just start adding typical manual information to it over time (guided by "FAQ emails" from users). This will have the benefit of being easily able to be Google Translated, too.

3) Speaking of translation, I've decided to go with a 'Custom' language selection on the 'World' icon (top right) along with the default 'English'. It'll enable users to create their own Waxwing text skin. Once some versions become popular and verified by peers (haven't figured that part out yet), I'll add those as compiled language options. The procedure will just be to take the English JSON file, edit it with a text editor, and then pasting the new file into a text box in that popup window. Reboot the app it and it will be live. This will let native speakers to quickly modify and test their new files. More info coming on that.

4) In the previous Bluetooth firmware update, I managed to improve the Bluetooth disconnect bug by making its allocated memory larger, but it never cleans things up and eventually crashes, reboots, and is distinguished as 5 to 7 seconds of muted music. I worked on this fix over the holidays and believe I have it nailed, but still need to do some more tests. The cause was due to Bluetooth messages piling up with low RSSI signal during a disconnect (i.e. like you are walking out of range - super common). All my earlier debugging assumed clean disconnects, plus I have yet to understand why the message queue doesn't self-clean upon a reconnect - oh well. The fix should be good. You can log you own crash/reboot count by going to the Settings/Gear and clicking "Reset debug counters" (the current data in there is random RAM garbage and meaningless). Then you can see how often you are getting crash/reboots from this bug looking at the System Resets count, and hopefully you can then compare with the coming update and see the improvement.

5) There's a Gain calculator bug issue for international users that use a comma as the decimal point instead of a period (e.g. many EU countries). I've recreated this on iOS and am looking to fix this. If any EU users can confirm or deny this bug on Android, that would be a big help.

January 1st, 2024

Happy 2024, folks!

After a Christmas break, I'm back at it today: building Waxwings and fulfilling orders.

December 28th, 2023

Sort It Out

The Sort button shifts all your unlocked and adjusted functions (i.e. the ones you are using) to the top of the menu list and then the button then turns red. Just lets you quickly suss out what settings are engaged instead of perusing a long list. To go back to a linear list of functions, tap the Sort button again and it will turn black.

December 9th, 2023

Christmas Break, App 1.0.3 Released

I've shut down Waxwing sales for the holidays but will be back at it January 1st. In addition to the usual Christmastime activities, I will be spinning plenty of vinyl and crate digging at my local shop - hope you all get to do the same!

Just released the latest app version at the App Store & Google Play and I encourage folks to update as it has several key bug fixes.

What's new in 1.0.3:
- RPM33 function was overwriting the Fine Balance setting (typically +0.0dB) to -3.9dB. So after a RPM33 speed check, the right channel would be about 4dB louder and saved to the current settings. This was an app only bug and has been corrected. You will need to re-save any save files that kept Fine Balance to -3.9dB. You can easily double-check by unlocking File and tapping on the filename for the settings. E.g. check settings for -3.9dB bug, reload if necessary, change Fine Balance to +0.0, and re-save.
- Saved Log settings weren't loaded correctly. This has been fixed (app only bug). Note: timer shows session time and you click on this time to see cumulative total.
- Changing the Output setting between 'Analog' - '24/48' - '24/96' could mute the output without recovery until a reboot. This has been fixed (app only bug).
- Disconnects and reconnects during a Grade operation or Grade pause would screw up the grade as app sent a command to the Waxwing to reset the grade procedure on reconnect. This has been fixed (app only bug).
- Waxwing App Version now stated on the Settings gear screen. As of today it is version 1.0.3.

November 23rd, 2023

Now Shipping

After over two years of development my new phono preamp - the Waxwing - is now available.

Download from the App Store or from Google Play to see all the crazy functionality.

Orders will be shipped out starting December 1st in the order they are received.

I'll be doing several app and firmware updates over the next year to smooth any rough edges. So I'm happy to extend a 60-day return policy for refund (less shipping) once you receive your Waxwing, as I absolutely want 100% satisfied customers.

US customers -- use the US only payment link: $499 plus $12 shipping

International customers -- use the international payment link: $499 plus $49 shipping (UPS Worldwide Expedited: 7-9 days)

International notes:
- Canada and Mexico based customers may get partial international shipping refund if applicable.
- I collect no VAT and you may have to pay VAT yourself upon receipt.
- The Waxwing power supply (included) is the extremely common 5VDC USB type (100-240VAC, 50/60Hz) with US-plug.
- You can use the power supply with a simple region-specific adapter, or you can swap for one of your own.

November 13th, 2023

What Should I Play Next?

Fill in your number of record bins (eg Ikea cubes) and number of LPs per bin and let the DJ randomly select one for you. Super simple but I'm addicted to it.

Click to enlarge

November 12th, 2023

Go With Throttle Up

Should have Waxwings ready for worldwide release (iOS, Android, Tucumcari to Timbuktu) late next week - hopefully 11/23. Updates coming for the Pioneers, too.

October 18th, 2023

Grade Logging

I love grading my records and the new Grade logging w/ average output level really rocks. If I walk away and end up getting a few minutes of runout, I can just look for the last grade before the numbers dipped to -50 and lower. Just tap the grading time and the logging window pops up, and it also keeps the app alive (i.e. app won't get put to sleep by the OS).

Click to enlarge

September 27st, 2023

Puffin Evolved: Meet the Waxwing

The first batch of twenty Waxwings went on sale Friday, September 29th, and are sold out. Next batch of Waxwings should go on sale at the end of November and will support worldwide sales. iOS and Android are now both available.

"What has been going on at Parks Audio this year?"

"What's new in the Waxwing and different from the Puffin?"

"Enough already, take my money! How can I get a Waxwing?"

"Only twenty units? I thought you were streamlining production?"

"Will this be another IoT device that stops working one day when Parks Audio goes out of business or decides to stop support?"

"I'm quite keen on recording LPs to my computer. Can the Waxwing do that?"

"Can the Waxwing natively stream Bluetooth Audio?"

"Where did the name Waxwing come from?"

"I'm sure the Waxwing is wonderful, but I really wanted a Puffin?"

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Click to enlarge